As a young boy growing up in the arid backlands outside the small town of Aurora, Kalys had always enjoyed making things. As a young teenager, he became interested in learning to create wood sculptures that he hoped he might sell through the Centro Mestre Noza in Juazeiro do Norte. For guidance, he went to visit Orlando (J.L.F.) in Aurora. With Orlando’s encouragement, Kalys began carving wood birds that he took the Centro Mestre Noza. He advanced quickly in the sophistication of his work and today makes highly-detailed wood sculptures of Nordestinos in their typical daily activities as well as images of popular heroes. Kalys and his older brother, Francisco Chagas, work together carving and finishing wood sculptures, and they share a similar refinement of style.

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Aurora, Ceara

Francisco Chagas
J.L.F. (Orlando)

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